We've been busy working on the second game - "Masterminds Heist Society".
If you loved movie's and TV shows about Heists (Ocean's Eleven, The Italian Job, the TV show Leverage, or even games like Grand Theft Auto 5), then this is a card game for you.
This game is easy to learn and a blast to play for up to 6 players. As the wording gets set for the final print version of the rules, posting in March, we've turned our attention on to the artwork.
For the Art Style, we looked to create a richer version of the GTA style. Its vivid color drew me to the look of that artwork, but I wanted more detail. So the artist worked on large versions of the cards and then we shrank or cropped them down to the cards. So far the results look amazing. (Check the GALLERY section of the site for some of the images.) Additionally, we are working with artists to come up with a way to offer Kickstarter backers the option to have a card created of themselves for the game. This would include a set of stats and your choice of a unique special ability in the game.
Next up, is to get the copyright, and finish the Beta game testing.